Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Time

This is my very first time to write using a "blog", I am starting this to chronicle my first year at Roberts Elem. as a Pre-K teacher. I have hit the ground running since August 6th., our first day back at work without students..  I have attended Meet & Greet at Larry's, Meet the Teacher night, and Popscicles in the Park.I have stayed late, gone to work on Saturdays and Sundays just to make sure the classroom will be inviting enough for the kids to want to come inside and explore.  I am lucky to have the BEST para-pro, Denise, to work with.  She makes teaching soooooo easy.  We have a relationship like a great marriage. We can finish each other's sentences, I think it and she does it OR she thinks it and I agree!!!
We have great students in our class. This is the first year I have had 13 BOYS!!! AHHHH!!!! I have 9 nephews and a son, so I am used to boys.
I love how involved the parents are in our class.  If we ask for it, it will come.  :)
I am looking forward to a SUPER DE DUPER year!!!!

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