Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gg Goat

We had a Great week, great starts with G.  The letter for last week was G. We learned its sounds, how to write it on the smart board, in the air, and on the carpet. Oh, and in our journal. We learned the Gg Goat song, we even ate grapes and drank grape juice. Yummy!! We also wrote words that begin with the letter G, ask your child what word he/she suggested.  I was able to write them on the SMART board. Ya me!!!
The Queen of the week was Nandini, she took her leadership title VERY seriously.  She loves playing in the park and taking care of her pet Lai Lai.  Nandini was also chosen as the "Respect" student for the month of September.  Our school-wide character word is RESPECT. We discussed what it means to be respectful.  Caleb was chosen as well.  They will be honored in an assembly in the dining room.
Picture day is coming up!!!!! If you want to dress your child for picture day and then send a change of clothes, that if fine.  Also, if a few moms will volunteer to help us during picture day, that would be Great. Another G word.  :)  
I will post pictures of our weekly events as soon as Mr. Mills shows me how.  :) 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Open House

It's after 9pm and I am smiling.  It makes for a long day to have to attend open house after working all day.  BUT I feel refreshed and I am smiling.  I LOVE the kids in my class and I LOVE their parents.  I was told more than once that I am appreciated.  That makes me feel GOOD.  I want my classroom to be a place where the kids want to come and play and learn.  Some days I feel like I didn't do everything I wanted, I think that I didn't teach 100% that day, and I hope my kids learned at least one thing.  To see their smiling faces, to get their hugs tonight makes it worth going to work Monday through Friday. In only 4 weeks of school most of the class has learned our daily procedures, they walk quietly in line, and they have learned 3 letters.  That is progress!!!!! 
I feel very lucky to be at Roberts during its first year.  I can't wait to go to school tomorrow!!!! :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Flex Area

I absolutely LOVE the Flex area in our PK corner. Picture this: Roberts Elem., September 2010. Our flex area is like a mini gym that we get to use for whatever we want!!! I used to dread rainy days because the kids can't go outside to stretch their little bodies and minds.  But now with the flex area we can have recess INSIDE!!! The 3 PK classes share gross motor equipment, we can even all do YOGA together. Just pop the DVD into the laptop and BAM! it comes up on the SMART board!!!! No more headaches at the end of rainy days!!!!To make today even better, I had a GREAT sub!!!!!
Also today our class had their ID badges made. They were PERFECT standing in line for 30 minutes to get their pictures taken. SHHHH! Don't tell ECERS.  :)  Even rainy days are sunny at Roberts!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Time

This is my very first time to write using a "blog", I am starting this to chronicle my first year at Roberts Elem. as a Pre-K teacher. I have hit the ground running since August 6th., our first day back at work without students..  I have attended Meet & Greet at Larry's, Meet the Teacher night, and Popscicles in the Park.I have stayed late, gone to work on Saturdays and Sundays just to make sure the classroom will be inviting enough for the kids to want to come inside and explore.  I am lucky to have the BEST para-pro, Denise, to work with.  She makes teaching soooooo easy.  We have a relationship like a great marriage. We can finish each other's sentences, I think it and she does it OR she thinks it and I agree!!!
We have great students in our class. This is the first year I have had 13 BOYS!!! AHHHH!!!! I have 9 nephews and a son, so I am used to boys.
I love how involved the parents are in our class.  If we ask for it, it will come.  :)
I am looking forward to a SUPER DE DUPER year!!!!