Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Trimming our Tree

Some students bought ornaments from home to add to our classroom holiday tree.

Queen of the Week

Brooke is our Queen of the Week!

Thanksgiving Feast

The Monkeys celebrated Thanksgiving with a feast with our new friends the Strom Pilgrams. We had lots of fun and ate great food!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Book Character Day

Our class had the #1 winner in PK. Seth Morris got first place for his Man in the Yellow Hat character in the parade. Way to go Seth!!!!

We had fun at the parade, we got to sit and watch the entire thing while the UCA Band played band music. If you missed it, you missed a treat!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Laura the Penguin

 Laura from the LR Zoo visited Roberts Elem. today. Our school raised $2700 to support the exhibit at the zoo.  Laura is an African penguin, she likes to live in a warm climate. She can eat up to 60 fish a day!! We all thought she was very cool!!!

VIPS Reader

We had a visitor today, Ms. Wildgen came to read to us. She read two books about penguins. We enjoyed listening to the stories.

Monday, November 14, 2011

PK Shirt

Our shirts are in!! As an early Christmas present, the PK teachers decided to give PK shirts this year. We are very very excited. Each class has a different color shirt with our class name on the back. They are really cute! Here is what the back looks like!

King of the Week

Peyton is our King of the Week!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Center Time

It looks like we are having fun, but we are really learning!

Going Green

This week in Pre-K we are Going Green. We have learned to recycle paper, plastic, glass, and cans. We will practice at home what we learned at school.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Queen of the Week

Lily Cantrell is our Queen of the Week.

Happy Birthday Dr Roberts

To celebrate the birthday of Dr Roberts the classes at Roberts Elem. had a parade. We made cards for Dr Roberts and Mattie presented him with them as we paraded past him. He seemed really excited to be at school celebrating his birthday!