Friday, January 28, 2011

Monkey Business

It has been a great week in Pre-K in the Monkey class.  We learned the letter Nn. We discussed animals in our world. We wrote a thank you letter to Ms. Henderson from The Humane Society and sent in a small donation to help with all the animals.  Two boys in our class celebrated their birthdays this week AND they are both having birthday parties on Saturday!! Happy Birthday to Matthew and Isaac.
Another birthday was celebrated-my favorite person in the whole wide world!! OPRAH!!! Oprah's birthday is the 29th but we celebrated on the 28th. We made birthday cards for her and we mailed them. Hopefully she will receive them and decided to send me a TICKET to her show!! :)
The Monkeys will discuss Groundhog's Day and celebrate Chinese New Year next week.
Have a great weekend!!!!!

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