Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Oprah!

Monkey Business

It has been a great week in Pre-K in the Monkey class.  We learned the letter Nn. We discussed animals in our world. We wrote a thank you letter to Ms. Henderson from The Humane Society and sent in a small donation to help with all the animals.  Two boys in our class celebrated their birthdays this week AND they are both having birthday parties on Saturday!! Happy Birthday to Matthew and Isaac.
Another birthday was celebrated-my favorite person in the whole wide world!! OPRAH!!! Oprah's birthday is the 29th but we celebrated on the 28th. We made birthday cards for her and we mailed them. Hopefully she will receive them and decided to send me a TICKET to her show!! :)
The Monkeys will discuss Groundhog's Day and celebrate Chinese New Year next week.
Have a great weekend!!!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Eliza Jane's Earth Worms

Eliza Jane was the Queen of the Week. For her Soaring Snack she brought Earth Worm Treats. Earth worm starts with E just like Eliza Jane starts with E.

Chick Fila Center

We have a Chick Fila center in our classroom. The friendly manager at one of the stores let us have items so we could pretend to work at Chick Fil A. Eliza Jane and Jackson had fun pretending to take orders.

Let it Snow

When the snow began to fall, we ran to the windows to see it. We all thought it was very pretty and white. :)

Yoga in the Flex

Since it has been too cold to go outside we have been doing Yoga inside in our Flex area. We learned the lion pose, snake pose and our favorite is the volcano!!! We do a litle Yoga before we have inside gross motor!

Happy Birthday Brooke

Brooke turned 5 on Jan. 20th. For her birthday she got SNOW!!!!! Happy Birthday Brooke!


Ms. Christine and her husband and Abner came to visit us from the Humane Society. She taught us how to take care of a pet. She said we should only feed them pet food. We should give them plenty of water and make sure you exercise with your pet. We made a grade level graph and most of us have a dog as a pet, 49 out of 60 own a dog!!!! We collected some money to send to the Humane Society so they can take care of all the pets there.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Snowy Day

We had two snow filled days at home! On Sunday the snow started to fall and Little Rock was covered in white powder. Now that we are back in school I wanted to know what the children did while they were at home. Many snowball fights occured and even a mud fall. :)  Attached are the stories I heard when I asked, " What did you do when it snowed?"

Friday, January 7, 2011




Hibernation Video

Hibernation Video

Hibernation Video

SHHH! Bears Hibernating

This week we discussed the letter Bb. Our theme was Animals All Around. We learned about animals in our home. We created a class graph of our pets as well as a grade level graph. For our Soaring Snack we had brownies! Yum! Since it is winter and we are discussing bears and the letter Bb, we decided to let our bears hibernate in a "cave."  We sang a lullaby, told our bears good-night, and put them in the "cave" to hibernate until Spring.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year & Welcome Back!!

Well, we are back! We have shared time with friends and fam and now we are back to the business of SCHOOL! I am excited to be back. Monday teachers returned to school for an hour inservice of Arkansas History. YAH DeSoto! The other 7 hours we got to work in our classrooms and prepared mentally for Tuesday the 4th.
Jan. is always a good month to review and retest to make sure the children are making progress. We(PK teachers) will be sending the progress reports home on the 10th. Check your child's folder.
Jan. 25 is class picture day. Another chance for Life Touch to take a great pic of your child. :)
Ms. Dortch and I are psyched to be back!!!!!!!!