Monday, September 30, 2013

Lunch Dates

Nicholas was on "pink." He chose to eat lunch with a friend. He chose Sweet Vienna:)

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Mattie is a budding author! This is her second book, Cats. Her first book was Dogs:)

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Let There Be Light

Eren bought this cute light to class. I love it!!!!

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Today a handsome boy bought me a pumpkin that glows in the dark!
Thanks Noah

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Sunday, September 29, 2013


If you want to save a few trees, the monthly school menu is online at You can also pay for lunch online.

- Posted by Mrs.Stacker

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Since we are the Tweets we decided to start tweeting:)
We will post our tweets daily to our classroom twitter.

- Posted by Mrs.Stacker

Word Sort

Sorting words by number of words

- Posted by Mrs.Stacker

Friday, September 20, 2013

Finding the sum

We are learning how to find the sum of two numbers.

Ananya counts before choosing the sum.

Eren finds the sum.

Julian counts them before choosing the sum.

- Posted by Mrs.Stacker

Media Center

Every other week the students go to the media center for a lesson and to check out books. This week they learned about text features.

- Posted by Mrs.Stacker


The students learned about adjectives this week. They drew pics of themselves and added adjectives to describe themselves.

- Posted by Mrs.Stacker

Monday, September 16, 2013

Library Tuesday

Our class will go to the library on Tuesday the 17th. Please send your child's library book to school. Thanks!

- Posted by Mrs.Stacker

Spelling Words

Spelling Words!!! Test is Friday

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Grandparent's Day

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Super Divija

Our second super student!!!

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Our Day

The students practiced sorting short o words and practiced adding.

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Super Star

Our second super student

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Grandparent's Day

Tomorrow from 11:15-1:00 First Grade will host Grandparent's and Special Friend's Day!

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Sequence of Events

Today during reading we retold the 3 Little Pigs. Each group worked cooperatively to assign the role of the wolf and 3 pigs. Each group retold the sequence of events.

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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Super Student

Noah is the first student to make it to Super Student!!! Woohoo!

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Read to Someone

As part of the Daily 5 we practiced Read to Someone.

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