Saturday, August 25, 2012


This week in math we talked about patterns. Here are a few pics of us working to create patterns.

Hunt Too

The boys went on a Scavenger Hunt and found the library, the school nurse, and the office. Mrs. Sims stopped to talk to us. Now we all know where different places are in our school.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Today the girls in class went on a hunt to find the library, the art room, the gym, the nurse and the office. We learned that we cannot talk in the hallway when we are walking in line. We will always do the right thing.

Monday, August 20, 2012

More First Dayers

First Day of Pre-K

The Monkeys had a GREAT first day!! We are learning how to walk in a line and how to sit criss cross applesauce. We are learning how to play and clean up centers. Tomorrow we will go to music class for the first time!! Here are a few pictures of our first day.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Meet the Teacher NIght

Meet the Teacher night was Thursday, August 16th. Almost all of my students came with their parents to meet me and Mrs. Lloyd. Ms. Dortch will not start the school year but will be back with us soon.
Mrs. Woods will be in our rooming learning all about Pre-K, she is a student teacher from Harding University.
We are all very excited to start our new school year Monday the 20th.
Mrs. Stacker

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ready, Set, Almost Go!

Registration has ended, I was able to meet many of the new group coming into Pre-K this year. I am very excited to get back to school and prepare the classroom. The PK teachers have a fun year planned, the children will be learning and not even know it! I look forward to seeing you on August 16th from 5-7 p.m. Pizza and drinks will be served in the dining room. A slice of Larry's pizza and a drink is $3.00.
My name has changed but I am still the same! Ms. Jefferson is now Mrs. Stacker.
See you soon!