Sunday, May 27, 2012

Good-bye Dr. Roberts

Sadly, Dr. Don Roberts passed away. Our wonderful school is named after him. It has been an honor for me to teach at a school that I love, coming to work it not "work" when you love what you do. We will miss him dearly. Everyday one of our clasroom rules is "to always do the right thing!". Dr Roberts taught us that and we will strive to do so everyday. We love you Dr. Don Roberts!

Purple Cow Date

Caden and Owen were the winners of the silent auction item Park and Purple Cow with PK. They were my dates on Thursday the 24th. We had so much fun. I love these boys!!!

Sweet Treat

The sweet PK Teachers thought it would be sweet to treat our sweet  kids to some sweets. :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Field Day

We had a BLAST at field day. Thank you parents who volunteered!!! We could not have done it without you!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Class of 2025

Class of 2025

The class of 2025 had a promotion ceremony Tuesday. Of course, I cried but NOT like I did last year. It is so easy to love the children. We get to know their families and grandparents and we just love them all! This year flew by for me. I will be sad for school to end. (Really). But I will see most of them again in June. :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

M&M Math

I LOVE to read and write. The parents of my students know that. This year I tried to LOVE math. I thought it would be fun to use the book M&M Counting to increase our math skills.
The small group I worked with decided the lesson was a thumb's up. YAY!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Teacher Appreciation

Ms. Dortch and I love all of our teacher appreciation gifts. Coming to school Monday and see the stars on the door was great. We love our book name plates and we LOVE our coupon plants. We plan to use our coupons before school is out. What a cute idea! Having breakfast with our class was fun. Ms. Dortch and I love donuts!  We appreciate our parents for all your support this year. We can't do our job without you all. We feel that we have very sweet and caring kids this year. We hope all the moms have a great Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thank You

Today I helped serve lunch at Our House. My daughter's Girl Scout Troop served tacos and dessert. I LOVE giving back especially in the LR Community. While there the director Georgia told me how sweet and appreciative the donations from our Monkey Class had been. She was very touched by our generousity. It made my heart glad to know we were able to help so many families. Thank you parents and children for all your donations. It feels good to help others!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cheerios and Poptart

At Roberts the EAST Lab students had a goal to collect 765 boxes of cereal for the Ch. 11 Cereal Drive. The students exceeded the goal!!! As a result Ms. Anderson agreed to have her hair spray painted green  and to be a box of Cheerios and Mrs. Sims agree to be a Poptart! They both were very cute! :)