Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Break

Look who I saw over Spring Break??? I went to McKinney, TX to visit my family. Rebecca, Lucy, and David came to McKinney and we ate lunch at, guess where??? Chick Fila!!! Woo Hoo! It was great to see them. Lucy still looks at the scrapbook we made for her. We hope Lucy will come to visit us in April.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lucky Charms

Lucky Charm Math

We sorted and graphed Lucky Charms today as a math activity.

Leprechaun on the Loose

What happened to our room???When we returned to our room after PE we found a MESS!!! We did not know who would want to wreck our room? When we saw the toilet we knew!!!! A Leprechaun had been to our room and made the BIGGEST MESS!!!! Just look at what she did!! We know it was a she because she wrote her name in the Vet Center!!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Monkey Cupcakes

I have been celebrating my birthday since last FridayMarch 2nd. The class was nice enough to surprise me with a cupcake cake and flowers. I was soooooooooo surprised! The party was cut short by the play. :(  I also loved the Panera gift card. I will put that to good use!
  Then Thursday Haven's Nana surprised me with sweet treats, MONKEY CUPCAKES!!! We were all so excited and loved eating the cupcakes!
Thank you parents and grandparents for thinking of me on my birthday! You all are so kind and thoughtful!

Sense of Hearing

We hear with our ears but what happens if you can't hear?  Mattie's Grandmother came to teach us American Sign Language. She is deaf and she communicates with her hands. She taught us colors, letters, and common nouns.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sense of Touch

This week we are learning about our 5 Senses. We "played" with shaving cream and added food coloring to see what would happen. We made predictions and then graphed our conclusions.