Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hanging with the Hoots

We were the Cats and the hoots were the Things!

Green Eggs and Ham???

I am Ms. Jefferson, Ms. Jefferson I am. Today I introduced my students to Green Eggs and Ham.

And the LOVED the green ham. Thanks to Seth's mom!!! She made a sweet, green glaze for the ham and it was a hit with the kids. Most of the Monkeys liked green eggs or ham. Only 1 did not.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

More Mardi Gras

More pics from our Mardi Gras parade. We also made mini King cakes. Thank you parents for your donations!

Mardi Gras

February Birthday Boys

Today Kingston celebrated his birthday. On the 15th Caden celebrated his. They were both very excited about turning 5!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Day Celebration!

Do you see a future president???

More Presidents

Hail to the Chief

President's Day

We celebrated President's Day today. We discussed the job of the president, we wonder what he does all day? We wrote letters to him that are on our classroom bulletin board. We also created a web asking lots of good questions. We all looked presidential in our clothes today!

Watch Dog Dad

Mr. Bergfeld is the Watch Dog Dad today. He has been very helpful to the Monkeys.