Friday, September 30, 2011

Ee Eagle

The Roberts Eagle was able to take pictures with us today because we have learned the letter Ee!

Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Cayden and Matthew's birthdays. They are so excited to be 5!! Yipee!

King of the Week

Give me a C give me and A give me a D give me an E give me an N! That spells the King of the Week, Caden Highfill.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pennies for Penguins

Today we wore black/white to look like a penguin. We brought pennies so that we can give them to the zoo so that the penguins will have a nice home.

Our Day

Here are a few pics just to let you know what we do during the day.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Donuts With Dad

We had an awesome time eating donuts with our dads. We love it when our dads spend time with us at school. Please watch the video created by Mrs. Strom. Thank you Dads!!!!
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Monday, September 19, 2011

Queen of the Week!

Haven Alley is our Queen this week. She has a baby sister, a mommy, and a daddy. She brought Honey Grahams for our snack.

Thursday, September 15, 2011