Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Chick Fil A Night

Look who showed up at Chick Fil A! We had a great time eating and visiting. Thank you parents for supporting our school.

King of the Week

Kaleb Parker is the King of the Week. He has two sisters, a mom, and a dad. Check out his pictures on the STAR bulletin board.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Smoothie Friday

Our class loved drinking their Smoothies this afternoon. Yummy! Thanks parents for supporting us!

Friendship Friday

This week our focus has been on "Friends". We learned that you can be a friend to someone who is does not look like you. We read A Friend Indeed.  We decided that we are all friends in the Monkey class!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Hey Parents,
The Roberts PTA Fundraiser this fall is Boosterthon. The Boosterthon team comes by daily and talks about a word for the day. Then they hand out prizes to the students who received pledges. The PK classes will run laps (1/16 of a mile) on September 1st.  Please support our PTA and this great fundraiser. Come by September 1st for the big event! Hope to see YOU there!

August Birthday Celebration

Brooke Bergfeld is the only Monkey who has a birthday in August. Today we celebrated her birthday. We hope Brooke had a GREAT birthday!!

Goopy Goop

Today our class made Goopy Goop. Ingredients? Cornstarch and water. Our class voted and since majority rules, our Goop is yellow. After we made the Goop we had a discussion about how it felt.
Check out our graph outside our classroom door.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Math and Manipulatives

A few pics of the class putting together puzzles and playing with manipulatives. Fun while learning.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Monkeys 2011-2012

Ms. Dortch and I welcomed 19 new students this morning. We loved getting to know them. Wetold them our school is called Roberts Elem. and our class is called the Monkeys. We saw the dining room and the playround today. Tomorrow we will go on  a scavenger hunt to find the office, nurse's office, library music room, art room and the gym.

Today I took pictures of the class while they slept. They looked like angels. :)