Friday, March 18, 2011

Wake up Bears!!!

Guess what??? Our bears are awake! We heard what sounded like a party in the hibernation cave, when we opened the door the bears were having a "Wake Up" party. We went inside to find our bears and kissed them hello. We are glad it is Spring and time for our bears to wake up!

Fun in the Sun

We LOVE playing outside since the weather has been so nice.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mardi Gras!

Our class celebrated Mardi Gras. Mrs. Null made a King Cake, we decorated masks, and threw beads! We had a fun morning.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hail to the Chief!!

We dressed up like we would if we were the President of the United States!!

We Do So Like Green Eggs & Ham!!

Today we read Green Eggs & Ham by Dr. Seuss.  Then we made green eggs and ham. YUMMY!!! Yesterday 12 of us said we would like to try green eggs and ham. Today we ate it and decided it was pretty good. That Sam I Am ended up liking it too. 
We are celebrating Dr. Suess this week because his birthday is tomorrow, March 2nd. We love many of his books.